9 Reasons to Get Invisalign Without Worrying About Appearance

Not everything about Invisalign is superficial. Ironic that such a potent product, which has advanced orthodontics by leaps and bounds, is promoted on such silly tenets.

It’s not about avoiding a metal-mouth smile in photos or the ease of being able to chew candy while having your teeth straightened. With a highly hands-on approach that is customised to your particular scenario, Invisalign in Aylesbury with the hemel hempstead dentist at Welcome Orthodontics. You will receive a fresh pair of aligners every two weeks that are created especially to advance your teeth-straightening process. Each set of aligners will be worn until your teeth can comfortably fit into them.

Invisalign in Aylesbury
Invisalign in Aylesbury

Here are the top 9 most crucial justifications for using Invisalign, listed in order of importance, putting near-invisibility and convenience to one side.

1. A good bite

What is it about a nice bite that is so great? See the entire list above!

In contrast to what you may have been told, the purpose of orthodontics and braces is to enhance your general health and eliminate discomfort.

We, as dentists, study it as a science, but when we present it to our patients, we fail to educate them and instead sell it to them as fluff. Without a doubt, a stunning grin boosts one’s self-esteem and confidence, but the former is meaningless without good physical health!

2. The right angle between the lower jaw and the upper jaw.

I use the following analogy with my patients. Your teeth serve as the door jamb and strike plate of your jaw, which has two hinges—one at each ear. In a perfect world, the door should be able to open simply and smoothly and close effortlessly. Without excessive friction or sticking, the door strikes both the strike plate and the door jam simultaneously.

Which one of us has ever had to use force to close a door? One day the door won’t be able to close because the improperly closing door will finally rip the screws out of the hinge plates.

TMJ or TMD refers to joint discomfort, clicking and popping, misaligned jaws, inefficient and unpleasant chewing, or the inability to chew. That door will open and close easily with perfectly aligned teeth, without discomfort or gradual jaw degradation.

3. Improved digestion by improved chewing and in-mouth food particle breakdown

The initial phase of food digestion is carried out in the mouth. The process of absorbing nutrients throughout the body is affected by improper mastication of food in the mouth. Simply said, if you don’t take a proper bite, you’ll obtain less nourishment from the food you eat.

4. Correct tooth alignment results in superior bone architecture and gum positioning, which encourages an oral health maintenance mode.

There’s more to it than meets the eye! The bone that supports the tooth is likewise crooked when the teeth are, which can cause problems. Without ideal bone design, it is practically impossible to have healthy gums and teeth. This is known as bone architecture.

5. Neck, jaw, and face discomfort can be treated with Invisalign aligners.

In addition to getting a healthier bite, patients who have painful face muscles and the consequences of grinding their teeth might benefit from wearing an aligner for several months. Wearing an Invisalign aligner is a fantastic approach to deprogram the muscles involved in grinding and reduce TMD symptoms, provided there is no joint disease.

6. In addition to making it more challenging to clean and floss effectively, misaligned teeth are more susceptible to food impaction.

Every time you eat, it is probable that a piece of stringy meat or vegetable may get trapped between your teeth and remain there until you floss. This happens when your teeth do not fit firmly enough against one another.

The gums and teeth can suffer severe damage from this disorder, which is known as food impaction. In order for the germs to feast on the meal, the misaligned teeth hold it in place. Accelerated gum recession and dull, throbbing pain in the mouth are the results of encouraging their growth in your mouth.

The teeth should be in the proper positions to make flossing and brushing easier and more effective. You will need to do less and worry less to maintain good dental health if your teeth are properly spaced and aligned.

7. Better speaking and pronunciation through speech and phonetics

The location of your teeth greatly influences your ability to properly pronounce words.

For several of my patients, Invisalign was able to improve their speaking voice, which has helped them in the voice-over, comedy, music, and film sectors.

For instance, you could lisp, have trouble pronouncing particular words, or perhaps whistling a little bit when you talk if your two top front teeth are too long or if you have an open bite.

8. Dental hygiene appointments with the hygienist that are quicker and more thorough

The self-cleaning and self-maintenance of teeth that are correctly aligned is often higher. Both flossing and cleaning them by the hygienist are simpler!

It is quite challenging to clean teeth that are crooked. For instance, when teeth are crowded and twisted, the dental hygienist’s cleaning tool is rendered useless, allowing germs to avoid eradication.

9. Aligners also function as lifetime protective equipment.

Using your Invisalign aligners, which have various uses, you may whiten your teeth and shield them from grinding at night or while participating in sports (like weightlifting and mountain riding)!

Invisalign Cosmetic as a bonus

The improvement in appearance is the cherry on top, and we understand that you could be shocked by this. I can also imagine that the Invisalign promoters might be a little upset.